My Mothers Gift of Courage

My mother’s gift of courage to me were both large and small. The later are wove in so subtly into the fabric of my psyche that I can hardly distinguish where she stops and I begin. The large lessons are highlighted in my memory like technicolor stars in a midnight sky.  –Maya Angelou

Technicolor thought: mommy needs sleep

Do you remember the time your four year old took your face in her hands and said “mommy why do your eyes seem to be a little red?” To which you replied, “oh I don’t know maybe because you and your two little sisters have a tag team conspiracy system perfected that have kept me from sleeping through the night in over 17 months!” To which she replied, “Hmmm….maybe you should try and do something about that.” And then you gave the evil eye to a little blonde haired girl. No?…..okay me neither.

Technicolor thought: who’s your daddy

Do you remember after having given your four year old daughter her first quasi American Girl Doll for Christmas…whom she finds beloved, has taken very seriously her mothering duties, and insisted should be named Margaret. That one night… effort to stall for bed……your daughter looked at you with concern as you were closing the bedroom door and said, “mom can I ask you something?” “Of course,” you replied. “I’m worried….I’m not sure who Margaret’s father is.” And you just stood their blinking?? No??…okay me neither.

Technicolor thought: never garden with toddlers

Do you remember that time you felt so liberated by having 50% of your child load reduced courtesy of the back to school phenomenon that you decided to do a little gardening while your two littlest ones played in the yard? And then you looked over and saw your fair haired, white shirt, pastel pink pant wearing one year old covered with, diving in, and eating the black flower bed mulch which posses startling color dye properties? No??…..okay… neither.

Do You Remember?

Do you remember that time you started a bath for your kids and then went down stairs to call them in from outside….and spotted them all out the window playing so sweetly for the first time that day…..and so you thought you’d just wait a few minutes….and then did a little cleaning in your kitchen….and then you thought….hmmm why do I hear water running??? No?….okay… neither.